Traduction Formulaire Fiscal - Swisstranslate

Tax form

How much does it cost to translate a tax form?
The price for translating a tax form can vary: it depends on the number of pages in your document, its complexity, the source language, the target language, the desired delivery time, etc. However, by filling in a quote form on our website, you can get an initial price estimate directly from us. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
To choose a professional translator for your tax form, put your trust in an agency that only works with specialists: translators and tax specialists. This is the case at Swisstranslate: we work on a daily basis with translators who are experts in the financial sector and have a perfect command of your source and target languages. They put their expertise at your disposal so that you can benefit from high-quality language services.
A certified translation means that a sworn translator, recognised by the state, carries out the translation and adds an official signed and sealed certificate guaranteeing the legal and authentic nature of the document. A standard translation, on the other hand, is carried out by a professional translator, but does not benefit from this certification. The organisation requesting the translation may ask you for certification, so check with them to get the best price for your needs.
At Swisstranslate, we have the expertise to translate your tax form into over 40 common, exotic and lesser-used languages. Some examples: French, English, Spanish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Thai, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Finnish, Kazakh, etc. Find the full list of languages on our website.
The time taken to translate a tax form varies according to its complexity, length and the language combination chosen. The simpler the language and the shorter the document, the faster the translation. However, if you need a translation urgently, Swisstranslate can offer you several options. Let’s discuss it!