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Advertising campaigns

What are the advantages of having advertising campaigns translated by professionals?
The number of languages available (more than 100 at Swisstranslate), the teams of translators (more than 3,000), the team’s responsiveness 7 days a week, the wide range of fields covered (agri-food, financial, legal, medical, educational, etc), the rigorous translation methodology, etc. There are many advantages to having your advertising campaigns translated by Swisstranslate, not least our extensive monitoring of projects in all the company’s departments (from your dedicated sales representative to the specialist translator via the production department, your project is our priority).
When choosing a professional translator for your advertising campaign, opt for an expert with a perfect knowledge of the sector and a thorough command of your source and target languages. Put your trust in Swisstranslate: our language agency does everything in its power to offer you the best services (protection of your data, more than 10,000 language combinations available, etc.).
The turnaround time for translating an advertising campaign varies according to the length of the content, its complexity, the number of languages to be translated, the source language (common or less common), the project deadline, etc. We are committed to meeting the agreed deadlines, and we also offer you the option of express delivery (within two working days), urgent delivery (within four working days) or standard delivery (within seven working days).
French, English, Spanish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Hebrew, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Kazakh… At Swisstranslate, we can translate your advertising campaigns into more than 100 common, exotic and uncommon languages.
The price of translating an advertising campaign varies according to the number of pages in the document, its complexity, the source language, the target language, the communication medium, etc. If your document is less than two pages long, you can obtain the price directly when you request a quote. If not, our team will contact you within 30 minutes to provide you with a personalised offer.