Machine translation is the process of using artificial intelligence to automatically translate a text from one language to another without human intervention. A human translator does not intervene to correct errors in the text during translation, but only afterwards. Machine translation systems speed up the initial translation process. They offer a great advantage in terms of efficiency, but need to be proofread by a human being because they are not error-free.
Machine translation services: cutting-edge technology for fast, cost-effective translations
Today, our world is ruled by technology, and artificial intelligence is gradually making its way into the business world. Machine translation is one of the functionalities offered by artificial intelligence. A text is then translated from one language to another without the need for human intervention. For projects with very tight time or budget constraints, where the only priorities are deadline and price, machine translation is the recommended option. Swisstranslate offers you automatic translation services for your professional and personal documents, guaranteeing you an economical, fast and high-quality result. Our agency also guarantees the security of your data.
Optimise your translations with machine translation
Machine translation is the raw translation of a text carried out entirely by one or more artificial intelligence computer programmes. It provides a quick, superficial overview of large volumes of text. Machine translation is still limited to literal translation, but the progress made by artificial intelligence is undeniable. Nowadays, modern artificial intelligence can analyse all the elements of a text and adapt the consistency of the proposed translation.
Machine translation is suitable for many fields and types of document, particularly internal communications, which are not distributed and need to be quickly understood by a non-speaker. Machine translation is also ideal for personal content that is not intended to be shared. However, because of the limitations of machine translation, we do not recommend this method for high stakes texts for companies or individuals, as this could damage their reputation and integrity; nor for marketing content, which is not at all suited to literal translation.
Machine translation: the key to fast, accurate translation
Machine translation is popular because, first of all, it is very cheap, or even free, thanks to the free automatic translation engines available via search engines such as Google Translate or DeepL. Pay-per-use software such as SDL or Systran is still very affordable and delivers even higher quality results.
The second advantage is the speed of translation: in just a few seconds, a large volume of text can be translated into a wide variety of language combinations (between 50 and 100 languages depending on the tool).
Machine translation is therefore ideal when you have a limited budget and a tight deadline, and you need to understand the broad outlines of a document in many different languages.
Do you need a machine translation?
Security and confidentiality of machine translation
The ambition to use IT to automatically translate content emerged in the early 1950s. However, at the time, computing capacity, processing power and data storage were very limited. Software and hardware evolved considerably in the early 2000s. Nowadays, as well as offering you a quality result for large volumes of translation, machine translation tools guarantee the security of your data and the confidentiality of your information.
Thanks to the automatic translation software we use in-house, Swisstranslate ensures that your details are not revealed by a random search on a search engine. All your data remains within the company network, so there is no loss or transmission of your data.