Document Certificat de mariage - Swisstranslate

Marriage certificates

How much does it cost to translate a marriage certificate?
The cost of translating a marriage certificate may vary depending on a number of factors (length of the document, languages involved, difficulty of the text, delivery times, pricing policies, etc.). You can get an initial price estimate when you request a quote on our website. Please do not hesitate to contact the Swisstranslate team if you have any questions.
Swisstranslate is a translation agency that only works with the best certified professional translators in all sectors. They can translate your marriage certificate in a short space of time, but always with the same enthusiasm and rigour. This is your assurance of opting for an official document of flawless quality.
A certified translation is produced by a sworn translator: this type of translation is accompanied by an official seal signed and stamped by the translator, certifying the accuracy and authenticity of the document. A standard translation, on the other hand, is carried out by a professional translator, but does not include legal certification. The organisation requesting the translation may ask you for certification, so check with them to get the best price for your needs.
Thanks to our 3,000 translators around the world, we are able to offer our customers translations of their marriage certificate in over 100 languages (rare, exotic or common). Some examples: French, English, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Swedish, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, etc.
In general, for a marriage certificate, it can take from a few hours to a few days to obtain a quality translation (depending on the complexity, length, languages, etc.). Rely on Swisstranslate and its three available translation options (express, urgent and standard): you can be sure that your translation will arrive within the timeframe you need.