Financial regulations
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- Your questions about the translation of the Financial regulation
How much does it cost to translate Financial regulations?
The delivery deadline you choose, the language combination (the more or less widespread it is), the technicality of the document… These are the factors that that will affect the final price. To get an idea, you can fill in the quote form on our website. This will give you an initial estimate in just a few minutes.
How do I choose a professional translator for financial regulations?
At our language agency, we are committed to working with the best. Our team consists of 3,000 professional translators who work on our customers’ projects. Each of them is bilingual and specialises in a particular sector (financial, legal, economic, etc.), so you can be sure of a consistent translation from start to finish.
What is the difference between a certified translation and a standard translation of a financial regulation?
A certified translation is one that requires an apostille: this is a seal affixed by a sworn translator, sworn before a Court of Appeal, which proves that the translation is legal in the target country. This is essential for all administrative documents such as identity papers, diplomas, etc. A standard translation is a translation that does not require an apostille or certification.
What languages can you translate financial regulations into?
Swisstranslate can handle your language project (translation, interpreting, layout, etc.) in over 100 languages: French, English, Serbo-Croatian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Japanese, Korean, Kazakh, Italian, Portuguese, Flemish, Czech, Persian, Cantonese, Greek, etc.
How long does it take to translate a Financial regulation?
The time it takes to translate your Financial regulation will depend on a number of factors (length, difficulty, languages chosen, delivery time, etc.). However, you can rest assured that your document will be delivered on the date agreed together at the start of the project. You can also choose between express, urgent or standard delivery.